Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween morning

Diamond frost dustings,
glittering, sparkling rooftops,
chased by the sunlight.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.
If you know exactly what you’re going to do, what’s the good of doing it.
Inspiration exists, but it has to find you at work.
If I paint a wild horse, you may not see the horse…but surely you will see the wildness.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.
Pablo Picasso

Friday, October 23, 2015

You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty. - Osho

Thursday, October 22, 2015

A giant story unfolds across the evening skies of October. It involves Andromeda and four surrounding constellations. They tell us of the mother who angered the gods, the father who ordered Andromeda sacrificed to appease them, the sea monster that tried to destroy her, and the hero who saved her. And in the morning sky, Venus, Jupiter and Mars all congregate within the borders of Leo, adding some zest to the chilly autumn mornings.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

So sweet

I know someone who kisses the way
a flower opens, but more rapidly.
Flowers are sweet. They have
short, beatific lives. They offer
much pleasure. There is
nothing in the world that can be said
against them.
Sad, isn’t it, that all they can kiss
is the air.

Yes, yes! We are the lucky ones.
Mary Oliver

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A suggestion from Rob Brezsny

 Go to the ugliest or most forlorn place you know -- a drugstore parking 
lot, the front porch of a crack house, a toxic waste dump, or the place 
that symbolizes your secret shame -- and build a shrine devoted to 
beauty, truth, and love.

Monday, October 19, 2015


When I say be creative.
I don't mean
you should all go
and become freat painters
and great poets.
I simply mean
let your life
be a painting,
let your life
be a poem.


Friday, October 16, 2015


Oxalis starring
green, green grass, littered with leaves
bright October noon.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Days grow shorter - night
closes in sooner, sooner,
blankets pile the bed.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Came across this today

Nation’s Ode to the Coast
Dr John Cooper Clarke
A big fat sky and a thousand shrieks
The tide arrives and the timber creaks
A world away from the working week
Où est la vie nautique?
That’s where the sea comes in …
Dishevelled shells and shovelled sands,
Architecture all unplanned
A spade ‘n’ bucket wonderland
A golden space, a Frisbee and
The kids and dogs can run and run
And not run in to anyone
Way out! Real gone!
That’s where the sea comes in …
Impervious to human speech, idle time and tidal reach
Some memories you can’t impeach
That’s where the sea comes in
A nice cuppa splosh and a round of toast
A cursory glance at the morning post
A pointless walk along the coast
That’s what floats my boat the most
That’s where the sea comes in …
Now, voyager – once resigned
Go forth to seek and find
The hazy days you left behind
Right there in the back of your mind
Where lucid dreams begin
With rolling dunes and rattling shale
The shoreline then a swollen sail
Picked out by a shimmering halo
That’s where the sea comes in …
Could this be luck by chance?
Eternity in a second glance
A universe beyond romance
That’s where the sea comes in…
Yeah, that’s where the sea comes in …
Thousands of members of the public helped with writing this poem - read about it here, where you can also see a gorgeous video with the poem being read, made by the National Trust.