Sunday, October 30, 2011


Record setting, most snow ever in October for here, kind of a mess yesterday, breaking off tree branches, but sunny and melting today, hopefully the power will stay on now.
Almost finished the mosaic tile afghan, but when I went to finish the last row I realized I was one tile short.   Fortunately, I could make another, so maybe tomorrow that one will be added to the last row.
I need to get out and find material for my stack n' whack class, this will be my 4th or so trip out to find what I need, hopefully this time I will be successful!
More on that to follow...


jrh said...

Stack n Whack sounds like something I might be interested in!

dbrute said...

Maybe you could leave the last square out, like mthe Native Americans in the SW and their pottery - - - not complete, not perfect . . .